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Visitor information

We've learnt a lot from the challenging and fascinating journey of developing Earthsong, and we love to share it with others looking to develop more sustainable buildings and lifestyles. There are many ways to engage with Earthsong and learn from our experience.

Apart from the Public Tours, all visits and tours are by prior arrangement, and require one month's notice.

Please respect our privacy by contacting us if you would like to visit.

Public Tours

Curious about Earthsong and what it is like to live in a cohousing neighbourhood? Wanting to learn more about sustainable housing, permaculture and the environment? Join a Public Tour, run in March, May, August and October each year by Earthsong residents, and get an inside look at Earthsong and a chance to interact with residents over a cup of tea. These tours are suitable for individuals and small groups. $10 charge for adults, children free

All public tours begin promptly at the stated time, rain or shine, with no reservations necessary. There is a $10 charge for adults, children free, for the two hour tour. These public tours include a presentation about Earthsong in the Earthsong Centre, a walk through the neighbourhood and the viewing of a home, followed by afternoon tea and a chance to talk with residents.

Phone 09 832 5558 or email for more information

Tours by Request

As well as the general-interest Public Tours, we also offer comprehensive tours for individuals or groups on request. Designed to suit the specific needs of your group, whether academic, business, professional or general interest, they are conducted by experienced and knowledgeable residents who are members of the Earthsong Educational Collective.

A tour usually takes 1.5 to 2 hours and includes a 45 minute presentation and a guided tour of the site. The presentation covers aspects of our history and philosophy, environmental aspects of design, materials, water, energy, and permaculture, and social aspects of living together as a community, consensus decision making, and getting work done. We can go into more detail in any of these areas to suit the specific interests of your group.

The fee for a tour varies according to the type of group, the number of people in the group, the level of technical information required, and the ability of the group to pay. As a guide, generally larger groups of students (20 or more) pay $20 each, community groups of 10 or more pay $25 each, while professional visitors and tourist tour groups pay $45 each.

The Collective runs these tours on behalf of the Earthsong Centre Trust as a small social enterprise, and part of the fee goes to the Trust to further its education projects.

At least 2 weeks notice is required for smaller group tours and 4 weeks for larger tours.

Phone 09 832 9998 or email to discuss your requirements.

Evening Seminars: “Cohousing – From WOW! To HOW…”

Living in a connected, diverse and multi-generational neighbourhood is more supportive, more sustainable, and lots more fun! Learn about this successful community model with Robin Allison, initiator and project coordinator of the development and construction phase of Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood.

Topics covered:

  • Introduction to Cohousing – Flourishing Sustainable Neighbourhoods

  • Effective Decision Making and Governance

  • Design By and For Community

  • Project Planning - From Vision to Built Reality

Go to for more information and registration.

Presentations, Workshops and Consultancy

The Earthsong Educational Collective offers presentations and seminars on cohousing, permaculture, eco-design and community organizational structures at other locations on request.

Workshops can be tailored to assist community projects, ranging from tools for group effectiveness and community governance, to collaborative design, project planning and development issues.

Facilitation, advice and project management are also offered on a consultancy basis for intentional community projects at all stages of their development.

Whether you are looking for a keynote speech on socially and environmentally sustainability communities or participatory governance, a presentation at a university or community group, or an expert witness for a sustainable community planning hearing, we have the expertise and broad experience to inform and inspire.

Workshops tailored to assist community projects are offered through the Earthsong Educational Collective, including:

  • Developing and agreeing on a cohesive group vision

  • Project planning – how to get from the vision to the built reality

  • Tools for group effectiveness and community governance

  • Harnessing group creativity – collaborative design processes

  • Development issues, including design, legal and financial structures, feasibilities, and sales – bringing it all together

Consultation, facilitation and project management for sustainable communities are also available through the Collective.

To discuss your requirements and what we can offer, please phone 09 832 9998 or email

Eco Venue Hire

Located in the heart of Earthsong Eco-Neighbourhood, the Earthsong Centre provides a unique venue that embodies the principles of environmental, social and economic sustainability. The Earthsong Centre offers a range of room sizes and has a well-appointed kitchen.

Phone 09 832 9998 or email to find out more about the centre and what it may offer your group.

Working Bees

Working bees are held regularly at Earthsong. They are an opportunity for folk who are interested in Earthsong to come and help and get to know us. Working bees are generally held fortnightly and they alternate between a Saturday morning, from 10am until 12 noon; and a Sunday afternoon, from 2pm until 4 pm. They are usually focussed on the gardens but may also be tasks around our site; projects; or common facility maintenance.

To be a working bee visiting participant please register ahead of time by emailing to check the details of the next working bee and sign up with a co-ordinator. Lunch or afternoon tea provided.

Working Bee dates are noted in our Calendar